Rinchen/Rincana ~ Sultan Sadr ud din - The First Muslim Ruler of Kashmir | Biography

Rinchen or Rincana, also known as Sultan Sadr ud din, was the first Muslim ruler of Kashmir. He converted to Islam at the hands of Sufi saint Bulbul Shah, who played a significant role in spreading Islam in Kashmir.

Early Life

Rinchen was born in a Buddhist family in the 14th century in the Kargil district of present-day Ladakh. His father was a prominent minister in the court of the Ladakhi ruler. Rinchen received his education in the Buddhist tradition and was known for his sharp intellect and wisdom.


After converting to Islam, Rinchen changed his name to Sultan Sadr ud din and began his rule in 1339 CE. He established a Muslim dynasty in Kashmir that lasted for several centuries. During his reign, Sultan Sadr ud din made significant contributions to the development of Kashmir. He introduced several reforms in the administration, and the construction of several public works, such as mosques, bridges, and canals, during his rule.

Sultan Sadr ud din was known for his tolerant and just rule, which earned him the respect and admiration of his subjects. His achievements were acknowledged by his contemporaries, such as the historian Jonaraja, who wrote,

"He was an able ruler and loved justice. He ruled for thirteen years with great wisdom and justice."

Sultan Sadr ud din's rule marked a significant turning point in the history of Kashmir. His conversion to Islam and establishment of a Muslim dynasty led to the spread of Islam in Kashmir. He created a sense of unity among the people of Kashmir and promoted religious harmony.


Sultan Sadr ud din's legacy is still remembered today in Kashmir. He is revered as a just and wise ruler who contributed to the development of the region. His rule marked the beginning of a new era in Kashmir's history, and his contributions to the development of the region are still acknowledged today.

Personal Life 

There is limited information available about Sultan Sadr ud din's personal life. However, it is known that he was married and had several children.

According to the historian Kalhana, Sultan Sadr ud din was a just and virtuous ruler. He wrote, "He was just to his people and kind to the poor. He always followed the path of truth and righteousness."

Historical Context

Sultan Sadr ud din lived in a period of significant political and cultural change in Kashmir. His rule coincided with the decline of the Hindu Shahi dynasty, which had ruled Kashmir for several centuries. The spread of Islam in Kashmir during his rule led to the establishment of a Muslim dynasty that lasted for several centuries.

Death and Aftermath

Sultan Sadr ud din died in 1354 CE after a long and successful reign. He was succeeded by his son, Sultan Shams ud din.


Hasan, Mohibbul. Kashmir under the Sultans. Aakar Books, 2005.

Kaw, M. K. Kashmir and its Rulers: A Historical Overview. India: Adroit Publishers, 2004.

Koul, Pandit Anand. A History of Kashmir: Political, Social, Cultural from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. Delhi: Gyan Publishing House, 1994.

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